Friday, November 9, 2012

rain, rain go away...I want SNOW!

Okay so I am sure that most of you think I am totally crazy for this, but I REALLY miss cold weather!! I am not going to lie, we are loving St. just doesn't ever feel like the Holiday's down here when it's 80 degrees in November! Halloween decorations, Thanksgiving, CHRISTMAS in stores already?! What, it's still summer time crazies! Parker LOVES the weather here and isn't a huge fan of the snow, but it's just not the Holiday's without cold weather. 
Matching door hang all the sistas made!
Well, either way.....I have turned into my mother (thank heavens) and got a little crafty/decorative itch in me and made our house feel like the holiday's inside. PS. this is a combination of Halloween and Thanksgiving. I am a little behind because well, I just got this thing like 3 days ago! 

So while Parker and I were in SLC for his surgery :( my mother and I headed to wood connection and came home with some gems to make my house a little more festive. We had what you may call a craft night (yeah, it was my first one...well, first real one when I was actually into the craft and made them myself!) 

So there is my very small collection of decorations that have most recently been added to the Cracroft home. They will do for now and I can't wait to get more. Yes, all those Thanksgiving decorations were 50% at Walmart the day after Halloween. My mom will be so proud!


  1. Love love love! So fun to follow what's going on :)

  2. ahhh you can comment! I have no idea how all this works and I was so hoping that people could follow and comment! So glad you like it!
